Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Needing money and Novocain.

Wisdom-teeth Friday is much closer than I’d like. I’m getting them pulled the day after tomorrow, and I’m not happy about it. I just don’t like people poking and scraping things in my face with sharp metal objects—I find the whole process to be very unpleasant. Unfortunately, our insurance doesn’t cover the entire operation, so we have to do a co-pay. The nitrogen is an extra $85 and the IV is an extra $350, which means I’m just going with the Novocain and my Shins cd. Hopefully the two will be enough to carry me through.
On the bright side, I get to take a day off work, eat lots of pudding, and watch good movies. John has also promised to feed me soup and rub my feet all weekend. It will suck to have four holes in my mouth, but at least I’m getting pampered in the process.

Other things in life are straddling the good/bad fence. I’ve lost 16 pounds since the new year without any trouble at all, and spring is really starting to elbow its way into our region. I am, however, slowly beginning to realize how much I hate my job. Sure we get to wear jeans to the office and I spend most of my day watching movies at my desk, but I would really like to contribute something to the company—something other than copying notes off of white boards after other peoples’ meetings. I’m an intelligent girl, but I can feel my brain rotting away in my skull. It’s really got me thinking about trying to get back to school, but I can’t decide between a Masters degree or a teaching degree. Plus, there’s always the matter of payment. Stupid money, making the world go round.

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